Task Scheduling with Precedence Constraints to Minimize the Total Completion Time
Jou-Ming Chang and Chiun-Chieh Hsu
International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 26, No. 11, (1995) pp. 2203-2217.
The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
Eun-Seok Kim, Chang-Sup Sung, Ik-Sun Lee,
Scheduling of parallel machines to minimize total completion time subject to s-precedence constraints
Computers & Operations Research
36 (2009) 698-710.
Chunfeng Liu, Shanlin Yang,
A heuristic serial schedule algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with precedence constraints
Journal of Software
6 (2011) 1146-1153.
Chun-feng Liu, Kai Li, Shan-lin Yang,
Scheduling of unrelated machines to minimize costs with precedence constraints based on amended DP algorithm
System Engineering Theory and Practice
, 31 (2011) 276-282.
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(from Web of Science)