Recognizing Hinge-free Line Graphs and Total Graphs
Jou-Ming Chang and Chin-Wen Ho
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 4, (2001) pp. 789-801.

The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
  1. Ján Plesník, Towards minimum k-geodetically connected graphs, Networks 41 (2003) 73-82. (*)

  2. Ján Plesník, Minimum k-geodetically connected digraphs, Networks 44 (2004) 243-253. (*)

  3. Ting-Yem Ho, Jou-Ming Chang, An efficient distributed algorithm for finding all hinge vertices in networks, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 82 (2005) 821-827. (*)

  4. Yingjie Lan, Songqing Chen, Some special minimum k-geodetically connected graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011) 1002-1012. (*)

Times cited: 4 (from Web of Science)