Feedback Vertex Sets in Star Graphs
Fu-Hsing Wang, Yue-Li Wang, and Jou-Ming Chang
Information Processing Letters, Vol. 89, No. 4, (2004) pp. 203-208.

The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
  1. Maw-Shang Chang, Chin-Hua Lin, Chuan-Min Lee, New upper bounds on feedback vertex numbers in butterflies, Information Processing Letters 90 (2004) 279-285.

  2. Fu-Hsing Wang, Cheng-Ju Hsu, A distributed algorithm for finding minimal feedback vertex sets in directed split-stars, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN-04) Hong Kong, May 2004, pp. 174-179. (*)

  3. Fu-Hsing Wang, Cheng-Ju Hsu, Jen-Chih Tsai, Minimal feedback vertex sets in directed split-stars, Networks 45 (2005) 218-223. (*)

  4. Yan-hui Wang, Ye-zhou Wu, Jun-ming Xu, Minimum feedback vertex sets in Kautz networks, Operations Research and Management Science 14, No.3 (2005) 10-14.

  5. Yan-hui Wang, Xu Jun-ming, Minimum feedback vertex set in folded hypercubes, Operations Research and Management Science 14, No.6 (2005) 8-11.

  6. Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Hon-Ren Lin, Hsi-Cheng Chang, Kung-Kuei Lin, Feedback vertex sets in rotator graphs, Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2006) Glasgow, UK, May 8-11, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3984, pp. 158-164. (*)

  7. Yong-hong Xiang, De-hai Zhang, Zhan-hong Xiang, Yun-li Liu, On the lower bound of feedback vertex set of (n,k)-star graph, Journal of Yunnan University: Natural Sciences Edition 28, No.5 (2006) 384-387.

  8. Yan-hui Wang, Xiong-liang Wang, Analysis on the feedback vertex sets in deBruijn networks, Journal of Guilin College of Aerospace Technology 12, No.1 (2007) 87-89.

  9. Kuo Chi-Jung, Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Hon-Ren Lin, Kung-Kuei Lin, An efficient algorithm for minimum feedback vertex sets in rotator graphs, Information Processing Letters 109 (2009) 450-453. (*)

  10. Xirong Xu, Jun-Ming Xu,Yongchang Cao, Bounds on feedback numbers of de Bruijn graphs, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 15 (2011) 1101-1113. (*)

  11. Honma Hirotoshi, Kitamura Yutaro, Masuyama Shigeru, An algorithm for minimum feedback vertex set problem on a trapezoid graph, IEICE Transaction on Fundaments of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences E94A, No. 6 (2009) 1381-1385. (*)

  12. Wei Jiang, Tian Liu, Tienan Ren, Ke Xu, Two hardness results on feedback vertex sets, 5th International Frontiers in Algorithmics Workshop and the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, FAW-AAIM, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6681 (2011) 233-243. (*)

  13. Jian Wang, Xirong Xu, Dejun Zhu, Liqing Gao, Jun-Ming Xu, On the bounds of feedback numbers of (n,k)-star graphs, Information Processing Letters 112 (2012) 473-478. (*)

  14. Wei Jiang, Tian Liu, Ke Xu, Tractable feedback vertex sets in restricted bipartite graphs, 5th International Conference in Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, (COCOA 2011), Zhangjiajie, China, August 4-6, 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6831 (2011) 424-434. (*)

  15. Chi-Jung Kuo, Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Hon-Ren Lin, Da-Ren Chen, Minimum feedback arc sets in rotator and incomplete rotator graphs, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 23 (2012) 931-940. (*)

  16. Wei Jiang, Tian Liu, Chaoyi Wang, Ke Xu, Feedback vertex sets on restricted bipartite graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 507 (2013) 41-51. (*)

  17. Tian Liu, Min Lu, Zhao Lu, Ke Xu, Circular convex bipartite graphs: Feedback vertex sets, Theoretical Computer Science 556 (2014) 55-62. (*)

  18. Xirong Xu, Baocai Wang, Jian Wang, Yong Zhang, Yuansheng Yang, Feedback numbers of (n,k)-star graphs, Utilitas Math 95 (2014) 51-63. (*)

  19. Shao-Meng Qin, Hai-Jun Zhou, Solving the undirected feedback vertex set problem by local search, European Physical Journal 87 (2014) Paper 273. (*)

  20. Min-Yun Lien, Hung-Lin Fu, Chie-Huai Shih, The decycling number of Pm*Pn, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 6(3) (2014) 1450033. (*)

  21. Min-Yun Lien, Jyhmin Kuo, Hung-Lin Fu, On the decycling number of generalized Kautz digraphs, Information Processing Letters 115 (2015) 209-211. (*)

  22. Liqing Gao, Xirong Xu, Jian Wang, Dejun Zhu, Yuansheng Yang The decycling number of generalized Petersen graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 181 (2015) 297-300. (*)

  23. Jian Wang, Xirong Xu, Liqing Gao, Sijia Zhang, Yuansheng Yang Decycling bubble sort graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 194 (2015) 178-182. (*)

  24. Xirong Xu, Huifeng Zhang, Sijia Zhang, Lingqi Zhao, Ziqi Pan, Baocai Wang, The Decycling number of (n,k)-arrangement graphs An,k, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 116 (2017) 437-446.

  25. J. Wang, X.X.L. Gao, D. Zhu, Y. Yang, Feedback vertex set in alternating group graphs, Utilitas Mathematica 103 (2017) 237-243. (*)

  26. Jyhmin Kuo, Hung-Lin Fu, New bounds on the decycling number of generalized de Bruijn digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 9(5) (2017) 1750062. (*)

  27. Eddie Cheng, Ke Qiu, Zhizhang Shen, A study of the decycling problem for the generalized exchanged hypercube, The 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2017), Exeter, United Kingdom, June 21-23, 2017, 93-99. (*)

  28. Liqing Gao, Jian Wang, The decycling d-ary n-dimensional cubes, Utilitas Mathematica 114 (2020) 127-136. (*)

  29. Alain Hertz, Decycling bipartite graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 25(1) (2021) 461-480.

  30. Sinyu Jung, Keiichi Kaneko, Feedback node sets in pancake graphs and burnt pancake graphs, IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems E106-D(10) (2023) 1677-1685. (*)

  31. Biswaranjan Khanra, Buddha Dev Ghosh, Sampad Das, Manasi Mandal, On Planarity and the metric dimension of proper divisor graph of positive integers, National Academy Science Letters 47(5) (2024) 599-606. (*)

Times cited: 24 (from Web of Science)