Independent Spanning Trees on Folded Hyper-stars
Jinn-Shyong Yang and Jou-Ming Chang
Networks, Vol. 56, No. 4, (2010) pp. 272-281.
The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
Jinn-Shyong Yang, Hung-Chang Chan, Jou-Ming Chang,
Broadcasting secure messages via optimal independent spanning trees in folded hypercubes
Discrete Applied Mathematics
159 (2011) 1254-1263.
Baolei Cheng, Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia, Shukui Zhang,
Independent spanning trees in crossed cubes
Information Sciences
233 (2013) 276-289.
Baolei Cheng, Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia, Shukui Zhang, Bangrui Chen,
Constructive algorithm of independent spanning trees on Möbius cubes
The Computer Journal
56 (2013) 1347-1362.
Xie-Bin Chen,
Construction of optimal independent spanning trees on folded hypercubes
Information Sciences
253 (2013) 147-156.
Jinn-Shyong Yang, Jou-Ming Chang,
Optimal independent spanning trees on Cartesian product of hybrid graphs
The Computer Journal
57 (2014) 93-99.
F. Zhang, K. Qiu, J. S. Kim,
Hyper-star graphs: some topological properties and an optimal neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm
Proceedings of 14th International Conference of Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2014) Part I,
Dalian, China, August 24-27, 2014, LNCS 8630, pp. 526-534.
Baolei Cheng, Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia,
Dimensional-permutation-based independent spanning trees in bijective connection networks
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
26 (2015) 45-53.
Jinn-Shyong Yang, Meng-Ru Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, Yu-Huei Chang,
A fully parallelized scheme of constructing independent spanning trees on Möbius cubes
Journal of Supercomputing
71 (2015) 894-908.
F. Zhang, K. Qiu, J. S. Kim,
Hyper-star graphs: Some topological properties and an optimal neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
27 (2015) 4186-4193.
Jinn-Shyong Yang, Sih-Syuan Luo, Jou-Ming Chang,
Pruning longer branches of independent spanning trees on folded hyper-stars
The Computer Journal
58 (2015) 2972-2981.
Yu-Huei Chang, Jinn-Shyong Yang, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Jou-Ming Chang, Yue-Li Wang,
Construction independent spanning trees on locally twisted cubes in parallel
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
33 (2017) 956-967.
Bao-lei Cheng, Ting Pan, Jian-xi Fan, Jing-ya Zhou, Zhao Liu,
A secure message transmission scheme in an extended network of crossed cubes
, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Technology (CNCT 2016),
Advances in Computer Science Research
54 (2017) 757-764.
Jou-Ming Chang, Jinn-Shyong Yang, Shyue-Ming Tang, Kung-JuiPai,
The wide diameters of regular hyper-stars and folded hyper-stars
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61 (2018) 121-128.
Yo Nishiyama, Yuko Sasaki, Yuki Hirai, Hironori Nakajo, Keiichi Kaneko,
Fault-tolerant routing based on routing capabilities in a hyper-star graph
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34 (2018) 1353-1366.
Baolei Cheng, Jianxi Fan, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Yan Wang, Guijuan Wang,
An improved algorithm to construct edge-independent spanning trees in augmented cubes
Discrete Applied Mathematics
277 (2020) 55-70.
Baolei Cheng, Jianxi Fan, Qiang Lyu, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Xiaoyan Li, Gul Chen,
Constructing node-independent spanning trees in augmented cubes
Fundamenta Informaticae
176 (2020) 103-128.
Baolei Cheng, Dajin Wang, Jianxi Fan,
Independent Spanning Trees in Networks - A Survey
ACM Computing Surveys
55(14) (2023) 335.
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(from Web of Science)