Ranking and Unranking of t-ary Trees Using RD-sequences
Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang and Yue-Li Wang
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E94-D, No. 2 (2011) pp. 226-232.

The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
  1. Joan M. Lucas, An improved kernel size for rotation distance in binary trees, Information Processing Letters 110 (2010) 481-484.

  2. Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, An-Hang Chen, Chun-Liang Liu, Ranking and unranking of well-formed parenthesis string: a unified approach, Chiang Mai Journal of Science 39 (2012) 648-659. (*)

  3. Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, An-Hang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, Ranking and unranking of non-reguar trees in Gray-code order, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E96-A (2013) 1059-1065. (*)

  4. Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, An-Hang Chen, Chun-Liang Liu, Ranking and unranking t-ary trees in a Gray-code order, The Computer Journal 56 (2013) 1388-1395. (*)

  5. Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, Hung-Chang Chan, Kung-Jui Pai, A loopless algorithm for generating multiple binary tree sequences simultaneously, Theoretical Computer Science 556 (2014) 25-33. (*)

  6. Nader H. Bshouty, Nuha Diab, Shada R. Kawar, Robert J. Shahla, Enumerating all the irreducible polynomials over finite field, arXiv:1602.05032v3 [cs.DM], 11 Aug. 2016.

  7. Kung-Jui Pai, Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang, Shun-Chieh Chang, Amortized efficiency of ranking and unranking left-child sequences in lexicographic order, The 10th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2016), Hong Kang, 16-18 Dec. 2016, pp. 505-518.

  8. Kung-Jui Pai, Jou-Ming Chang, Ro-Yu Wu, Shun-Chieh Chang, Amortized efficiency of generation, ranking and unranking left-child sequences in lexicographic order, Discrete Applied Mathematics 268 (2019) 223-236. (*)

  9. Yu-Hsuan Chang, Ro-Yu Wu, Ruay-Shiung Chang, Jou-Ming Chang, Improved algorithms for ranking and unranking (k,m)-ary trees, 13th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM 2019), Beijing, China, Aug. 6-8, 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10640, pp. 16-28. (*)

  10. Yu-Hsuan Chang, Ro-Yu Wu, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Jou-Ming Chang, A loopless algorithm for generating (k,m)-ary trees in Gray code order, Optimization Letters 15(4) (2021) 1133-1154. (*)

  11. Yu-Hsuan Chang, Ro-Yu Wu, Ruay-Shiung Chang, Jou-Ming Chang, Improved algorithms for ranking and unranking (k,m)-ary trees in B-order, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. (*)

Times cited: 8 (from Web of Science)