Amortized Efficiency of Generating Planar Paths in Convex Position
Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang Kung-Jui Pai, and Yue-Li Wang
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, No. 35, (2011) pp. 4504-4512.
The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
Chaya Keller, Yael Stein,
Reconstruction of the path graph
Computational Geometry
72 (2018) 1-10.
Torrie L. Nichols, Alexander Pilz, Csaba D. Toth,
Transition operations over plane trees
Proceedings of 13th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN 2018),
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Apr. 16-19, 2018, LNCS 1080, pp. 835-848
Torrie L. Nichols, Alexander Pilz, Csaba D. Toth, Ahad N. Zehmakan,
Transition operations over plane trees
Discrete Mathematics
343 (2020) 111929.
David Eppstein,
Non-crossing Hamiltonian paths and ccles in output-polynomial time
86(9) (2024) 3027-3053.
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(from Web of Science)