Two-Disjoint-Cycle-Cover Bipancyclicity of Balanced Hypercubes
Chao Wei, Rong-Xia Hao, and Jou-Ming Chang
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 381, (2020) Article 125305.
The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
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The h-restricted connectivity of balanced hypercubes
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An efficient algorithm for embedding two-dimensional tori into balanced hypercubes
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Dongqin Cheng,
Two disjoint cycles of various lengths in alternating group graph
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433 (2022) 127407.
Ruichao Niu, Shujie Zhou, Min Xu,
Two-disjoint-cycle-cover vertex bipancyclicity of bipartite hypercube-like networks
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Novel schemes for embedding Hamiltonian paths and cycles in balanced hypercubes with exponential faulty edges
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Dongqin Cheng,
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Two-disjoint-cycle-cover pancyclicity of split-star networks
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Times cited:
(from Web of Science)