Constructing Dual-CISTs of Folded Divide-and-Swap Cubes
Yu-Huei Chang, Kung-Jui Pai, Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Jinn-Shyong Yang, Jou-Ming Chang
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 856, (2021) pp. 75-87.

The above article has been cited by the articles listed below.
  1. Yu-Han Chen, Shyue-Ming Tang, Kung-Jui Pai, Jou-Ming Chang, Constructing dual-CISTs with short diameters using a generic adjustment scheme on bicubes, Theoretical Computer Science 878-879 (2021) 102-112. (*)

  2. Yu-Han Chen, Kung-Jui Pai, Hsin-Jung Lin, Jou-Ming Chang, Constructing tri-CISTs in shuffle-cubes, 27th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2021), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 24-26, 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13025, pp. 330-342. (*)

  3. Xiao-Yan Li, Wanling Lin, Ximeng Liu, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Kung-Jui Pai, Jou-Ming Chang, Completely independent spanning trees on BCCC data center networks with an application to fault-tolerant routing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33(8) (2022) 1939-1952. (*)

  4. Yu-Han Chen, Kung-Jui Pai, Hsin-Jung Lin, Jou-Ming Chang, Constructing tri-CISTs in shuffle-cubes, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 44(5) (2022) 3194-3211. (*)

  5. Toru Hasunuma, Completely Independent Spanning Trees in Line Graphs, arXiv:2209.09565 [math.CO]

  6. Shu-Li Zhao, Jou-Ming Chang, Reliability assessment of the divide-and-swap cube in terms of generalized connectivity, Theoretical Computer Science 943 (2023) 1-15. (*)

  7. Shu-Li Zhao, Jou-Ming Chang, Connectivity, super connectivity and generalized 3-connectivity of folded divide-and-swap cubes, Information Processing Letters 182 (2023) 106377. (*)

  8. Lantao You, Jianfeng Jiang, Yuejuan Han, Super spanning connectivity of the folded divide-and-swap cube, Mathematics 11(11) (2023) 2581. (*)

  9. Toru Hasunuma, Completely independent spanning trees in line graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics 39(5) (2023) 90. (*)

  10. Caixi Xue, Shuming Zhou, Hong Zhang, The bounds of generalized 4-connectivity of folded divide-and-swap cubes, Journal of Interconnection Networks 24(2) (2024) 2350016. (*)

  11. Mengjie Lv, Jianxi Fan, Baolei Cheng, Jia Yu, Xiaohua Jia, Construction algorithms of fault-tolerant paths and disjoint paths in k-ary n-cube networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 183 (2024) 104761. (*)

  12. Hsin-Jung Lin, Shyue-Ming Tang, Kung-Jui Pai, Jou-Ming Chang, A recursive algorithm for constructing dual-CISTs in hierarchical folded cubic networks, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 35(5) (2024) 535-550. (*)

  13. Muhammed Türkmen, Canan Ҫiftҫi, Gülnaz Boruzanlı Ekinci, Structure and substructure connectivity of folded divide-and-swap cube, arXiv:2311.11323 [math.CO]

  14. Yunsong Zhang, Yuejuan Han, Jianfeng Jiang, Lantao You, Node-to-set disjoint paths problem in divide-and-swap cube, Journal of Supercomputing 81(2) (2025) 393. (*)

  15. Muhammed Türkmen, Canan Ҫiftҫi, Gülnaz Boruzanlı Ekinci, Structure and substructure connectivity of folded divide-and-swap cube, Journal of Supercomputing 81(4) (2025) 600.

Times cited: 12 (from Web of Science)